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Virginia's Gateway Region

Virginia's Gateway Region (VGR) is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that markets the Tri-Cities of Colonial Heights, Hopewell and Petersburg and the surrounding counties of Dinwiddie, Prince George, Surry and Sussex. VGR fosters regional prosperity through business growth, powerful partnerships and delivering innovative resources to its communities, and focuses its efforts on new and existing business investment and job creation.

Recent Posts

MakolaAbdullahVSU_selfie (1)

VSU President Underscores Transformative Nature of Education

At the heart of a university mission is providing its graduates with the skills and […]

Bill Fiege Brightpoint

Brightpoint President Sees Role in Powering Region’s Economic Growth

As the new president of Brightpoint Community College, William “Bill” Fiege, Ph.D., recognizes that educating […]


Rex Davis: From Family Business to Regional Leadership

Through his family’s business rooted in Sussex County since 1956, Rex Davis knows firsthand how […]

Recent Tweets

🌟 In its latest Virginia Economic Review, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership showcased Richard Bland College's advanced manufacturing training, the Petersburg pharma cluster, Civica Rx and Service Center Metals in Prince George County:

On Feb. 6, Hopewell's Economic Development Summit will look at future opportunities and strategies. The program will include CEO Keith Boswell leading a panel discussion on the region's industrial ecosystem and pharma cluster.

Learn more:

In our latest newsletter, we talk about opportunities to work strategically and intentionally with leaders at Fort Gregg-Adams, as it seeks to expand its impact into the neighboring communities. Read now:

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