
City of Petersburg

Petersburg Works to Combat the Food Desert Program with Indoor Farm

Sycamore Street Businesses Spring Ahead

Asphalt Plant to Bring Jobs to Petersburg

Distillery and Malting Plant to Open in Petersburg

Big Wins: Central Virginia Landed a High-Profile Craft Brewery and a $2 Billion Paper Plant

By Veronica Garabelli, Virginia Business Central Virginia has been at the center of some major […]

Ridley Scott-Produced Television Show to Film in Central Virginia

January 26, 2015 / Archived News/ City of Petersburg

City Could Soon Be Home to Craft Brewery

January 8, 2015 / Archived News/ City of Petersburg

Planners Consider Future Tri-Cities Rail Station

Petersburg Promotes Positive Image with Re-branding Campaign

December 15, 2014 / Archived News/ City of Petersburg

Craft Brew Craze Pours Over into Petersburg

December 9, 2014 / Archived News/ City of Petersburg