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- Newsletter February 2025: Friends of the Gateway Region, It’s no secret that the key to successful economic development is developing strategic partnerships and relationships. Fortunately, that’s an area where VGR has demonstrated great progress. We talk about our great regional assets such as our available land, transportation infrastructure and expanding availability of water and power, but our most valuable assets are the people who are committed to boosting the economic vitality of each community within our region.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter January 2025: Friends of the Gateway Region, Being part of a community means holding some responsibility for our collective prosperity. As we shared last month, VGR was among the honorees who received Good Neighbor Awards for 2024 from Fort Gregg-Adams.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter December 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, As we approach the end of another great year in Virginia’s Gateway Region, It is fitting to reflect on the many successes we have had in the region.
Over the past twelve months, we’ve brought our story of economic development opportunity to targeted conferences and industry events across the country and even across the Atlantic. VGR has specifically focused our marketing and lead generation efforts on distribution and logistics companies, controlled environment agriculture enterprises, data centers, and the pharmaceutical industry.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter November 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, We’ve long talked about the importance of having key infrastructure – energy, broadband, water and transportation – in place to become a sought-after destination for companies to select Virginia’s Gateway Region for their new projects. Key infrastructure is just as important for strategic expansions of existing businesses as well. But there’s a softer side, if you will, to economic development. It’s about community.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter October 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, Great things continue to happen with infrastructure upgrades in our region, including recent work with Petersburg’s Poor Creek service area. With federal, state and local government leaders listening to industry needs and collaborating on a solution, this investment in water systems will support the current pharma cluster in Petersburg and create opportunities for other city properties. Even more exciting is that pump capacity can be scaled for growth and will provide local sustainability.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter September 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, Early fall prompts us to assess our progress. One of the key factors of our success is our regions workforce. Not only do we celebrate September as Workforce Development Month, but the next generation of talent is back in the classroom – learning critical skills that are needed to support existing businesses and help to attract new prospects to the region.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter August 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, In announcing Virginia once again was its Top State for Business, CNBC pointed out key ingredients that distinguished the leaders. What differentiated Virginia to land in the top spot was our education system and business environment that fosters corporate growth, from supportive regulations to operational infrastructures. None of that happens without building effective relationships with lawmakers at every level.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter July 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, The movie “Field of Dreams” serves up one of the most memorable lines in American cinema: “If you build it, he will come.” The speaker alludes to how building a real baseball field in a cornfield will lure the ghost of a legendary player. In a way, that reflects our work as economic development visionists. We need to build the infrastructure where major businesses, manufacturers and investors will come and call this their home field.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter June 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, Nearly every month, our Gateway Region team is out in the national marketplace, telling potential investors and corporate prospects about the opportunities for growing their businesses with the broad pool of talent available here. These conversations are an important part of our marketing efforts, as we work to be in front of companies and share our region’s story.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter May 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, Economic Development is the intentional practice of improving a community’s economic well-being and quality of life. VGR is partnering with the Virginia Economic Developers Association (VEDA) to highlight Economic Development Week (May 6-10, 2024) to promote just what economic developers do and why they do it.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter April 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, Welcome to April, a time when the promise of spring fills the air with renewed energy and anticipation. As the bees buzz and the flowers bloom, we find ourselves embracing the spirit of growth and possibility that this season brings.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter March 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, March has arrived! I know I am looking forward to watching nature turn from Winter brown to Spring green. Our region offers so many outdoor amenities to enjoy, and I hope you make time to get outside and witness the beautiful transformation firsthand. Some of my favorite spots include the Appomattox River Trail in Petersburg and Ferndale, the marina in Surry County and the downtowns in Waverly and Hopewell.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter February 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, Hello February! This month, I express adoration for our Board of Directors. After four years as VGR’s Board Chairman, Dr. Ted Raspiller, former President of Brightpoint Community College and now a leader at Virginia529, handed over the gavel to our new chairman, J. Rex Davis.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter January 2024: Friends of the Gateway Region, Hello 2024! As we begin a new year focused on uniting our region for economic prosperity, I see incredible enthusiasm for what is ahead- from our own team, our local communities, and our business partners. This is where I see the potential for the the Gateway Region in 2024:.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter December 2023:Friends of the Gateway Region, The “word of the year” according to Merriam-Webster is “authentic.” Did you know this word is one of the core values of the Gateway Region? Here is how we defined it when we wrote our strategic plan in 2020.... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter November 2023:Friends of the Gateway Region, It is now November- a time for reflection on the blessings that have been given to us, so I will lead this newsletter with Five Things I am Grateful For in the Gateway region... Click to read more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter October 2023:Friends of the Gateway Region, I always get energized when fall arrives in Virginia. Just as the leaves shed their lush green for a cornucopia of color, it is a time to reset and refocus. For the VGR team, that means we are ramping up activities across the board. Schedules are busy as we travel to familiar places and to some new locations, with the anticipation of spreading the word about the advantages of the Gateway Region for business. Click to learn more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter September 2023:Just as our students were preparing for a new school year, VGR was preparing for a new grant cycle last month. Grant opportunities are another piece of our economic development strategy. Whether for infrastructure or new initiatives, successfully securing grants is one of the ways VGR leverages the region's resources to grow our economy. The recent Build Back Better grant from the U.S. EDA is one example of a grant moving the region forward as we build our advanced manufacturing pharmaceutical cluster. Click to learn more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter August 2023:Happy Summer! It is vacation season, and our team is taking these hot August weeks to revaluate some of our capabilities. For example, we are updating the official Community Profiles for each of our seven communities. These reports are important to share with prospects when a site is being considered for a new or expanded business. Anyone who has worked with me in economic development knows that I love maps. During the site selection process, decisions often come down to location, location, location. Showing the strategic place of VGR is a major selling point for our region, and it is critical to have the most updated detailed maps at the ready. We are investing the time and energy to make sure we have various versions of regional and community maps. Click to learn more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter July 2023:We often say that economic development is a marathon and not a sprint. While the big announcements with hundreds of jobs make media headlines, there is much work that goes on quietly in the background as we prepare assets for future deals. Just in the past month, your VGR Team participated in these asset development activities. Location Asset: we helped Prince George County engage in an economic study of Exit 45, a promising redevelopment opportunity to drive more business and tourism to the area. Workforce Asset: we attended the Crater Workforce Development Board Meeting and are thrilled with the progress and engagement from new leadership and the Board. Building Asset: we toured the beautiful Hotel Petersburg that is well on its way to being renovated to its former charm and will serve as a memorable place for consultants and prospects to stay in the region. Site Asset: VGR continues to assist Sussex County in the development of their megasite after receiving a VEDP grant. Transportation Asset: we’re excited to see more improvements to the Dinwiddie Airport that you can read about in the article below. Existing Business Asset: one of our greatest assets is always the proud testimonials of our existing companies. We are pleased to report that several projects in play that involve current businesses in the Gateway Region. Click to learn more! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter June 2023:Spring is one of my favorite times of the year as the full force of nature's colorful return makes it presence known. I feel the same way about economic development activity. Business growth and prosperity is being cultivated by hard-working folks working together for the common good. Activity is up more than ever before. Your VGR Team continued to be busy with prospects, even spending entire days touring them around some of our top sites. We participated in the Site Selection Consultants Forum in Virginia Beach with the Virginia Economic Developers Association. Additionally during the month, we were excited to host a number of national consultants as we showcased the region’s pharmaceutical cluster and all of its supporting players. And finally, we are grateful that so many partners came out to meet our local elected officials at CCAM (see photo above). Economic Development is a team sport and May was no exception! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter May 2023:Your VGR Team continued to be busy with prospects, high-ranking officials and travel in April. It’s exciting to see the number of inquiries coming into the region from companies wanting to learn more about our authentic community. Speaking of authentic, did you know that our nonprofit celebrated 63 years last month? Yes, the original organization called the Appomattox Basin Industrial Development Corporation (ABIDCO) launched in April 1960. Thank you to our investors, both public and private, who continue to sustain this regional economic development group—the oldest in Virginia!. or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter April 2023:Wow! March has been a whirlwind of activity for both business development and stakeholder relations. Our team traveled to Chicago and Amsterdam to spread the word about why locating in the Gateway Region is a smart move for business and industry. Here at home, I am still smiling from the amazing crowd turnout and energy seen at our 2023 Annual Meeting. Learn more by clicking anywhere within this paragraph. or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter March 2023:Friends of the Gateway Region, February has flown by and the VGR Team has been busy meeting prospects and stakeholders. We held our first board meeting of the year and launched our first Investor Insider. Exclusively for VGR Investors, this is a brief visual report demonstrating how we are meeting strategic goals as your regional economic development organization. Attending the Fort Lee Civilian Military Council Meetings is always a treat, and the February event was no exception. Many exciting developments are happening at this major military installation in the Gateway Region, highlighted by the work being done by a Commission to rename the base. You can read more about the impact of Fort Lee in the newsletter. I hope you will all make plans to attend our 2023 Annual Meeting later this month. See the link below and enjoy this issue of the Gateway Connector! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter February 2023:Friends of the Gateway Region, January has come and gone. While we haven't seen a snowfall, there has been a flurry of activity at VGR. The largest industrial site in our region received new funding from the Commonwealth. This funding will allow Sussex County to complete a master plan and a conceptual engineering design for the Sussex Megasite and nearby properties. Both Waverly and Hopewell landed grants from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development to revitalize their downtowns, with a new brewery and an expanded youth center, or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 1.10.23:Friends of the Gateway Region, “Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings.”—Jonathan Lockwood Huie, Author. I am filled with excitement and anticipation as we enter 2023 and move closer to our mission of “uniting our region for economic prosperity.” dI hope you enjoyed some quality rest and relaxation over the holiday season. The Gateway Region ended the year strong with Prince George County landing an expansion project by Worldwide Retail Solutions on December or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 12.12.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, December is a time of reflection and celebration. We have many things to celebrate in our region and it has been a prosperous year. In the past month, our team has met with a group from VEDP and KPMG, as well as attended the Civilian Military Council meeting. VGR continued to press forward with activities related to advancing the pharma industry in our region and we hosted our Board of Directors for the final meeting of the year. I was fortunate to attend the Board of Visitors meeting at Richard Bland College and was inspired by the vision displayed by their or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 11.07.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, Fall has arrived and the above photo reminds me of our region’s beauty amid bustling industry and commerce. Whether by land, rail, air or water, the Gateway Region provides critical transportation access for companies in our target industries: advanced manufacturing, logistics and distribution, retail commercial development. Last month, our investors had the opportunity to tour one of the greatest water assets in the region, the Richmond Marine Terminal. One in 10 jobs in the Commonwealth are maritime-related according to The Port of Virginia. or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 10.05.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, I think you will agree that business is back, and events are in full swing this fall. In September, VGR Team Members hit the road and the air to attend the Virginia Economic Developers Conference in Lynchburg, the Home Delivery Show in Philadelphia, and the Site Selectors Guild Fall Forum in Richmond. The most exciting day arrived on September 2nd, when the region won a $53 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration in the Build Back Better Regional Challenge to support the pharmaceutical cluster in Petersburg. Many team hours were spent collaborating with many organizations to prepare this grant application. We’re thrilled that our award was one of only 21 in the country and the only project in Virginia! or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 9.06.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, in my little over four years leading this organization, I don’t recall a more exciting month for the Gateway Region. We celebrated two major economic development project wins with Governor Youngkin, in Dinwiddie County and Sussex County. The Governor also traveled to Petersburg for a first-of-its-kind partnership to show massive state support for the City. Other headlines included not one, but two old hotels coming down to make room for fresh, new development projects. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 8.05.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, while the temperature is HOT, it has not slowed the pace of economic development. Our team has been busy working projects, meeting with our board of directors and interacting with stakeholders. This issue showcases some important activities and initiatives we are tackling from the local community perspective to major industrial developments in the region’s pharmaceutical cluster. Additionally, I want to welcome Yoti Jabri as the new Economic Development Director in Prince George County and thank him for his service in Surry County. I am especially thankful that the Gateway Region is blessed with talented economic developers in all our communities. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 7.06.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, with summer upon us, many families are taking to the beaches and roads for a well-deserved rest. But be assured, the work in our region continues. This month we celebrated AMPAC day where Governor Youngkin touted the importance of reshoring our nation’s pharmaceutical industry and the tremendous impact it will have on the Gateway Region. We also continue to work closely with our city managers and county administrators, as well as local economic development officers, to ensure prosperity for all in our region. Finally, I would like to congratulate Jeff Stoke on being sworn in as the new County Administrator for Prince George County. Jeff has been serving the County since 2009 and I know that he will continue to be a wonderful advocate for our region. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 6.01.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, I cannot adequately express how great it has been to see everyone, in-person, over the past month. From VGR’s Business Council event where we sponsored a legislative “Meet-and-Greet" — which was hosted by the County of Dinwiddie and its ever-growing airport, to VGR’s 61st Annual Meeting that was held on May 18 at the new, state-of-the-art Petersburg Public Library — it’s been a busy season engaging with our stakeholders and community partners. And now that we’ve experienced it, the whole VGR Team has come down with “Spring Fever” and we want to see this momentum carry into the summer. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 5.06.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, this spring has reminded us how collaboration is key to uniting our region for economic prosperity. In mid-April, I had the pleasure of meeting Governor Youngkin at the Team Virginia Consultant Symposium Reception in the state's capital. Team Virginia is a program designed for the nation’s top consultants to meet with key business leaders and each of the Commonwealth’s economic development regions. It is spearheaded by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with our state colleagues at VEDP. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 4.27.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, Spring is here, and March was another significant month during which VGR took advantage of another opportunity to share our region’s story, regarding the emerging Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing cluster in Petersburg. Over the last several years, this cluster, reinforced with transformative technologies, is rooted in the manufacturing, not discovery, of essential life-saving medicines. Its' foundation is also fixed on small-molecule medicines, as opposed to, say, biologics — which are manufactured using live biologic cells in fermentation and other processes. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 2.28.22:Friends of the Gateway Region, February 2022 was an historic month not only for the world, but for Virginia’s Gateway Region. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and its President & CEO Thomas Barkin, for visiting our region to update the VGR Team and our partners on the U.S. economy amidst the uncertainties occurring around the globe, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 1.31.22:Friends of the Gateway Region — Happy New Year! I realize we’ve been in 2022 for over a month now, but considering how Virginia’s Gateway Region faired during 2020–2021 — not only surviving but growing through COVID-19 rounds one and two, motivates the VGR Team for another year of continued success. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 12.31.21:Friends of the Gateway Region, my hope is that everyone in our service area enjoyed a much-needed Christmas break, and as the New Year approaches, spend quality time together and create everlasting memories with your loved ones. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 11.30.21:Friends of the Gateway Region, I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving holiday — we at VGR are so thankful for the efforts each of your organizations make in uniting our region for economic prosperity. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 10.4.21: Friends of the Gateway Region, September was a partnership month for our team. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 11.1.21: Friends of the Gateway Region, as our local economy continues to emerge from the pandemic’s disruption, we’re pleased to see that both Prince George and Dinwiddie counties held events this month focused on increasing the connections between the job and the job-seeker. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 10.4.21: Friends of the Gateway Region, September was a partnership month for our team. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 8.31.21: Friends of the Gateway Region, summer is beginning to wrap up and autumn is right around the corner. We have lots of exciting updates to share. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 7.30.21: Friends of the Gateway Region, we have seen lots of progress being made on different projects in July. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 6.30.21: June was an exciting month for Virginia’s Gateway Region, and as the summer heat emerges, economic development is also heating up in our communities. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 5.31.21: As the days are getting longer, VGR is entering extended days of economic prosperity. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 4.30.21: The sun is out and Spring is in full bloom, and so are some exciting economic developments in the Gateway Region. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 3.31.21: Friends of the Gateway Region, Spring is in the air — I can feel it — and with that, forward-moving progress has continued in our Region throughout March. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 2.26.21: I hope this message finds you safe and well amid the wintry weather we have experienced this month. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 1.29.21: 2021 could not have started off stronger for our region than with the major announcement of Civica selecting Petersburg for a premier manufacturing facility on January 21st. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 12.23.20: December has brought optimism and hope to the Gateway Region as we prepare to turn the corner into the new year. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 10.30.20: This month, we have many things to celebrate in the Gateway Region. A substantial project was announced in the distribution industry, a target sector that continues to benefit from our strategic East Coast location. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 9.30.20: Welcome Fall! With this new season, the Gateway Region is also experiencing new community and partner leadership. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 8.31.20: Greetings from the Gateway Region! If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 7.31.20: Greetings from the Gateway Region! This summer, I am encouraged by an uptick in economic development activity since the pandemic began. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 6.26.20:Happy Summer! I want to thank our community partners and our important allies from local, state, and federal organizations for joining our COVID-19 task force calls. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 5.20.20: I am inspired by the partnerships I witness daily in the Gateway Region. In addition, we are seeing positive news arise from the economic situation. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or (804) 732-8971.
- Newsletter 4.30.20: I hope this message finds you safe and healthy in these uncertain times. The VGR team has continued to perform our duties both in the office under socially distant guidelines and/or working from home. If you need any assistance, please contact us at (804) 732-8971 or e-mail
- Newsletter 3.26.20: VGR is here to support you during the unprecedented impact on our regional business community due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We have compiled a list of resources that may be helpful. If you need any assistance, please contact us at (804) 732-8971 or e-mail
- Newsletter 2.29.20: Save the Date for the VGR Annual Meeting which is scheduled for the evening of April 22nd at the Swift Creek Mill Theatre. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at or 804-732-8971.
- Newsletter 1.29.20: Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Here at VGR, we are gearing up for a very special year—our 60th anniversary. It’s hard to believe that in 1960, a small group of area businessmen who had a vision of “attracting business and industry to the Petersburg, Colonial Heights and Hopewell area” set our future course.
- Newsletter 12.18.19: Happy Holidays! I hope you are enjoying these monthly updates from VGR. We are excited about the regional success stories we shared in 2019, and we look forward to more collaboration with you in 2020.
- Newsletter 11.22.19: It has been an exciting month, and we look forward to wrapping up the calendar year with a strategic planning session, Board Meeting, operations meeting and holiday luncheon with our communities.
- Newsletter 10.22.19: Happy Fall! Activities at VGR are in full swing, and I’m delighted to announce that we will now regularly send monthly newsletters to keep you informed.
- Newsletter 8.9.18: Sabra Dipping Company Breaks Ground on Expansion at Hummus Plant in Chesterfield, Virginia Continues to See More Warehouses and Distribution Centers and more.
- Newsletter 7.27.18: Explore Exporting through Metro Richmond Exports Initiative, Heat Wave of Crane Deliveries at the Port of Virginia Begins and more.
- Newsletter 7.13.18: Southside Regional Medical Center to Open New Emergency Care Center, Chesterfield County Business Selected to Participate in Virginia's VALET Program and more.
- Newsletter 7.5.18: Virginia State University Named Nation's Top HBCU, New Meadery in the Works in Hopewell and more.
- Newsletter 6.28.18: Sabra Dipping Co. to Expand Chesterfield County Plant and Names New CEO, Chesterfield Wine Distributor Lands Walmart Account During Pitch Event and more.
- Newsletter 5.24.18: John Tyler Community College Celebrates Chester Campus Renovation Project, Panama Canal Leader: "Norfolk is like a Sister Port" and more.
- Newsletter 5.17.18: New Petersburg Chamber of Commerce President Thaddeus Huff Talks about his Goals, Universal Broadband Plan is Presented and more.
- Newsletter 5.10.18: Columbia Gas Opens Training Center, City Launches 'Petersburg Works' Workforce Development Program and more.
- Newsletter 4.26.18: In County's Economic Development Game Logistics is Everything, FOLAR Expands 2018 Appomattox RiverFest Event and more.
- Newsletter 4.19.18: Prince George County Wins 2018 Community Economic Development Award, Congressman McEachin Visits Southside Virginia and more.
- Newsletter 4.12.18: Virginia's Gateway Region Welcomes New President & CEO, In Chesterfield DowDuPont Bets Big on Kevlar and more.
- Newsletter 3.29.18: Broadband Initiative Gains Momentum Across the Gateway Region, Richlands Dairy Announces New Creamery as part of Million-Dollar Expansion and more.
- Newsletter 3.15.18: Prince George Electric Co-op Receives $1.25M Grant, Read VGR's 2017 Annual Report and more.
- Newsletter 3.8.18: Virginia's Gateway Region Holds 57t Annual Meeting, Love's Travel Stop Creates 60 Jobs in Prince George County and more.
- Newsletter 3.1.18: Regional Economic Development Organization Celebrates Another Year of Excellence, Visit the New and Improved and more.
- Newsletter 2.22.18: You're Invited! Register Now for VGR's 57th Annual Meeting, State-of-the-Art Warehouse Planned for Chesterfield County and more.
- Newsletter 2.15.18: You're Invited! Register Now for VGR's 57th Annual Meeting, Export Pitch Winners Import Cash Prizes and more.
- Newsletter 2.1.18: Five Local Businesses Win $5,000 Each in Metro Richmond Exports Initiative's Pitch Competition, Volleyball Club's $8M Facility Readies for Opening and more.
- Newsletter 1.25.18: Congratulations to MREI Pitch Panel Winners, SRMC First in Tri-Cities to Open Electrophysiology Lab and more.
- Newsletter 1.18.18: Prince George Broadband Gets "Smart", Colonial Heights Teen Builds Microgreens Business from the Ground Up and more.
- Newsletter 1.11.18: Service Center Metals to Create 58 New Jobs in Prince George County, $12.65M in Federal and State Funds to be used for Apprentice Academy at CCAM and more.
- Newsletter 12.14.17: Petersburg's Harding Street Urban Agriculture Center Undergoing Renovation, American Manufacturing: Back in the Game? and more.
- Newsletter 11.30.17: Local Manufacturers Donate Thousands to Hopewell High School, A Skills-Based Job Approach to Fulfilling Workforce Needs and more.
- Newsletter 11.16.17: For the Healys of The Boathouse Restaurants, Restaurant Business is a Family Affair, The Enrollment Roller Coaster and more.
- Newsletter 11.9.17: Wayfair Latest to Join Regional Distribution Boom, Why Skilled Labor is the No. 1 Location Driver for Manufacturers and more.
- Newsletter 11.2.17: Virginia's Plan for Increased Degree Attainment, Publix Supermarket Opens in Colonial Heights and more.
- Newsletter 10.26.17: Virginia: A Hotbed for Top Brands, Attend Metro Richmond Exports Initiative's 1st Annual Reception and more.
- Newsletter 10.19.17: Virginia Higher Education Summit Highlights Ties between College and Economic Development, Tri-Cities New Publix to Open on November 1 and more.
- Newsletter 10.12.17: VGR Celebrates Manufacturing Day 2017, Register Now for the 69th Annual Virginia Conference on World Trade and more.
- Newsletter 10.5.17: Port of Virginia Now Ranks Among Top Five Biggest Ports in North America, Register Now for the 69th Annual Virginia Conference on World Trade and more.
- Newsletter 9.28.17: Amazon Wants Richmond MSA to Bid on HQ2, Register Now for the 69th Annual Virginia Conference on World Trade and more.
- Newsletter 9.21.17: Metro Richmond Exports Initiative Announces the Launch of New Website, Virginia's Gateway Region Receives SEDC's Award of Merit and more.
- Newsletter 9.7.17: Chesterfield County has Grand Plans for Matoaca Mega Site, Survey Shows Six-Year High in U.S. Manufacturing Growth and more.
- Newsletter 8.31.17: Biggest Vessel to Call on U.S. East Coast Comes to Virginia First, Rebuilding America's Advanced Manufacturing Workforce One Veteran at a Time and more.
- Newsletter 8.17.17: U.S. Factory Jobs are High-Tech but our Workers are not, yet, Craft Distillery Aims to Fuel Economic Growth in Sussex and more.
- Newsletter 8.3.17: Grant Program Supports Credentials in High-Demand Fields, How to Prepare Preschoolers for an Automated Economy and more.
- Newsletter 7.27.17: In His First Year, County Administrator Joe Casey Puts His Stamp on Chesterfield, STEAM Heats Up at Richard Bland College and more.
- Newsletter 7.20.17: Study Finds Virginia's Gateway Region among Best in the Nation, VSU wins Best Business Program and HBCU Male President of the Year and more.
- Newsletter 7.13.17: Governor McAuliffe Announces 2,173 Credentials Awarded through New Economy Workforce Credentials Grant, Fort Lee Marks 100 Years of Service and more.
- Newsletter 6.29.17: Chesterfield Airport to Build Longer Runway, Prince George's First Solar Facility and more.
- Newsletter 6.22.17: Virginia's Gateway Region Welcomes New Petersburg City Manager Aretha Ferrell-Benavides, VGR Attends SelectUSA Summit and more.
- Newsletter 6.15.17: Assessing U.S. Manufacturing's Recovery, Southern Ports Break Records as Panama Canal Anniversary Nears and more.
- Newsletter 6.8.17: The 25 Cities Where Millennials are Moving, Hopewell City Manager to Retire and more.
- Newsletter 6.1.17: How to Prepare for the Upcoming Manufacturing Renaissance, Fed Survey Finds Tight Labor Markets and Rising Wages and more.
- Newsletter 5.25.17: Michael & Son Starts Skilled Trades Academy, Registration Open for Exporting 101 and more.
- Newsletter 5.18.17: Port of Virginia Welcomes Biggest Ship Yet, VGR's New Annual Report and more.
- Newsletter 5.11.17: Biggest Ship to Ever Visit East Coast Arrives at Port of Virginia, Happy Economic Development Week and more.
- Newsletter 5.4.17: Boathouse at City Point to Open in Early June, Fulfilling the Promise of the Appomattox River and more.
- Newsletter 4.27.17: Celebrating Business & Economic Development, Farmers Market Restaurant & Bar Takes Farm-to-Table Movement Seriously and more.
- Newsletter 4.20.17: Virginia's Gateway Region Posts Another Successful Year, Atlantic Constructors Expanding in Chesterfield County and more.
- Newsletter 4.13.17: Virginia's Gateway Region Celebrates 5-Year Plan for Growth and Creation of 500 Jobs in 2016, VGR Launches a New Logo and more.
- Newsletter 3.30.17: Register for VGR's 56th Annual Meeting, New Virginia Economic Development Partnership CEO Visits the Gateway Region and more.
- Newsletter 3.24.17: Consider ExporTech to Pursue Growth Opportunities in Global Markets, Register for VGR's 56th Annual Meeting and more.
- Newsletter 3.17.17: Dinwiddie's Milton Hargrave, Jr. Recognized by Virginia's Gateway Region, Register for VGR's 56th Annual Meeting and more.
- Newsletter 3.10.17: Attracting Attention to the Richmond MSA, Register for VGR's 56th Annual Meeting and more.
- Newsletter 3.2.17: Virginia's Gateway Region Links Surry to Economic Development, John Tyler Community College to Offer Degree with No Textbook Costs and more.
- Newsletter 2.23.17: Cable TV Network Brings Mobile Studio to VSU, Fort Lee Military Culinary Competition on March 4 and more
- Newsletter 2.9.17: At Industry Day Students Explore the Workforce, New Barge is Latest Investment in Richmond Marine Terminal and more.
- Newsletter 2.2.17: Pocahontas State Park Makes Millions for Area Economy, Farmers Market Restaurant Open for Business and more.
- Newsletter 1.26.17: Recruitment Drive Now in Progress for Virginia Job Corps Centers, New Leader at the VEDP Promises Reforms and Economic Growth Across Regions and more.
- Newsletter 1.19.17: Governor Announces New Solar Project in Sussex County, New Restaurant Market Set for Old Towne Petersburg and more.
- Newsletter 1.12.17: Area Exports Initiative Brings Business Leaders to Hopewell, Boathouse Construction Picks Up Speed and more.
- Newsletter 1.5.17: New Legislative Package to Make Higher Education More Accessible, President Signs Into Law Expansion of Petersburg National Battlefield and more.